The only real contact I had was with Sam Calderwood who
recently passed away and he would talk about some of his contacts on the
reservation. He owned some land in the
middle of the reservation, but we didn’t really sit down and discuss the
details of his time out here. He wanted
me to stop by his house in Topeka. He said “Gary when you go by and you see me
sitting outside, stop and we’ll visit,” but he never was out there when I went
by and that’s how first-hand accounts are lost. It was the same with many
farmers here who rented Indian lands, they could have added more to the story.
But back to this story:
W.R. Honnell was appointed Indian agent for Kansas by President McKinley
and he worked among the Kickapoo as well as the Potawatomi. With the Potawatomi, he dealt with two
chiefs: Shough nes see and Kack Kack and
two headmen: Masquah and Pis hse dwin,
along with an interpreter, Jim Blandin. Honnell
told them in a meeting, “The buffalo have gone, They are not coming back. The Indian is no longer able to go out on the
prairie and hunt his own meat. He must
take up his share of the white man’s burden, learn to follow his customs and
accept his ways.” Soon after Indian kids
were going to school to learn this way.
Later he convinced the Potawatomi leadership to use proceeds
from land rentals to have a Christmas party where the Potawatomi had a tree,
decorations, apples, oranges, candy and some small gifts for the children. It was well-received among the people.
Most of the focus of this book was devoted to Chief Kack
Kack of Sak descent, but he was adopted into the Potawatomi Tribe. He married Martha, a daughter of the Chief
Shobonee. In the early 1900’s Honnell
took a trip to visit President Teddy Roosevelt and took Kack Kack along, as
well as the interpreter Jim Blandin. The
old Chief had only one request and that
was to see Niagara Falls. Honnell agreed
and soon boarded a train
eastward. Along the way, Kack Kack fell
into a deep sleep and somebody clipped off some of his bear claws he had around
his neck. It was a disappointment to the
old man since he had killed these bear and mean’t something to him. Yet, the old man did his best to forget the
shortcomings of another. After seeing Niagara
Falls, Kack Kack could only stand in awe of what he had seen. Honnell asked him what he thought and Kack
Kack said it was beautiful and ended by saying that it also would be a good place to start a saw
From there the group proceeded to Washington D.C. and with
Kack Kack dressed in full regalia brought many a stare. At the White House, Roosevelt asked them what
tribe they belonged to and they replied, “Potawatomi.” He said “you Indians massacred a lot of white
folks at Fort Dearborn, Why did you do
that?” Kack Kack said “Mr. President, why is it that when the white man
conquers the Indians, it is a great victory, but when the Indian wins it is a
massacre?” The President was amused at
his reply. His encounter with the “Great
White Father” was brief but a memorable occasion for Kack Kack. He was impressed with the President’s
knowledge of his tribe and being gracious to the old chief. Earlier Roosevelt had completed his “The
Winning of the West” which was published in four volumes, so he had a wealth of
knowledge about the Battle of Dearborn and other battles. Upon his return to
the reservation, Kack Kack shared his eastern adventure with the rest of his
tribal people.
In time the old chiefs and headmen died off. Shough nes see died first of the four and
Honnell went to the funeral, as was his custom of attending every Potawatomi
event he could. It used to be that the
dead were wrapped in a buffalo robe or their favorite robe and carried to the
Burial Tree and much later the bones would fall to the ground and then were
buried. But by this time this practice
stopped and a regular ground burial took place.
The friends of Shoug nes see built a stone wall around his grave with a
large hole in the middle of the wall.
This allowed the spirit of the chief to pass easily from his body to the
better world. Soon after his brother Pis
she dwin took sick and Honnell offered medical help but he wanted his brother
Shon osh, the tribal medicine man to take care of him, but in time he died of pneumonia and was buried on high bluff
overlooking Big Soldier Creek.
Pis she dwin had told Honnell of his vision of the other
world: “It is a vast and undulating
prairie lying somewhere to the West, well wooded and watered. Over its grassy swells roam and feed
countless thousands of buffalo, deer, antelope and mountain sheep. The streams are filled with many kinds of
fish; and fowls of various sorts are so plentiful that at times they will
appear as clouds against the sun. When I
reach the border of this beautiful land, I will see stretching out before me
the villages of my people who have gone to the other world before me. I will see men and women moving about, busy
and contented. I will hear the voices of
children laughing at their play. And
after a little while, someone will look up and behold me and will come running
to greet me with joyful shouts of welcome to my new home.”
The third leader to die during Honnell’s time on the
Potawatomi Reservation was Masquah and his burial rites were similar to those
of the other leaders and only Kack Kack remained. Honnell
asked the old man if they could take him to the county seat and get a
picture taken of him and the old chief agreed.
Kack Kack and his wife Martha went to this photo shoot In Holton, Kansas
and they brought back a copy for Honnell, who had it enlarged and it was placed
in the offices on the Potawatomi Reservation. Shortly after, Kack Kack died at
his home five miles west of Mayetta at the age of 85 years old. 
Soon they all left the site and Martha knew when she walked
away that Kack Kack had successfully ended his search for the Great Spirit and
would soon find his new home.
What was so interesting to me it that these men in the story
were my relatives. My Mother’s dad
was John Nagmo, His father was Shon osh (Sha nash today) the “medicine
man” in this story. The Chief in this story
was Shough nes see (spelled Sha ne si) and
he was Nagmo’s Uncle. Pis hse dwin, was
also Nagmo’s Uncle. There were also two
other brothers not mentioned in this story and they were Marshno and
Naganbi. My brother Larry had the Indian
name of Sha ne si for 56 years and now
my nephew carries that name. My Indian
name is Sha nash. Interesting, huh?
My grandmother bonnie kack maiden name, married richard dwyer. Her fathers name was leo kack, married a kolhomen. My great, great grandfather is kack kack, cheif of the potawatomie tribe and father before that also. How do i learn more about my great, great grandfather. My name is michael schuelke i live at 300, 7th St.,N.W., apt. 813, willmar, M.N. 56201 i would be thankful if you could send me some information on my distane anceiterty. I have also had and be told by my mother and grandmother of being native. has also clarified i am of his blood. Shows a pichture of a black and white of my grandma, her father leo, and his kack kack. I also use to have dreams of a native in the woods with nothing but a knife, a bear come apond him, rases up and charges at him. He plays died, the bear sniff and goes to rise, the native then went for the eyes, slit the bears throat, grab the side of the bear, swung up on his back, and stuck it in the shoulder qnd the heart to take it down. Since those three dreams, and my mother and grandmother told me i have native in me, i decided to look for my lost heretage and family, and family anceistery. Could use some more help with more details. Ever since those dreams, i have beleived in the spirt and spirtaul dreams of the natives to search. Knowing now it true. And the other thing that hit me like a gost or spirt is the dreams i had, and to find out a story about him falling asleep and getting his neckalace stoled on a train of bear claws. Please help me learn more of my distane family. My great, great grandfather kack kack.
ReplyDeleteI have a Museum Quality framed Photograph of Martha Kack Kack with husband and granddaughter, dated August 30, 1898. Document on back of frame says "Shattonas youngest daughter 64 years old. This was part of an American Indian collection I've had and I want to see it land well.
ReplyDeletePlease do an Ancestrydna test! I would like to see how we match. There is a lot of great info on the site too you will be interested in.